
You’ve had a heart for helping people for as long as you can remember. We want to help you take that passion and grow it into something that’s not only personally fulfilling, but transformative. As a student in °ÄÃŲÊÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼½á¹û’s Ivester College of Health Sciences, you’ll explore different areas of health care, so you can find a career where you can make the greatest impact in your community. 

While you’re learning how to better care for others, our faculty — many of whom are practicing health care professionals — will be in your corner, lending their guidance and expertise every step of the way. They want to see you succeed and are dedicated to helping you thrive in your field, whether you enroll in graduate school or dive straight into a career.

Why Ivester College of Health Sciences?

  • Learn in small classes that give you the ability to work one-on-one with your professors and learn first-hand how to provide quality patient care 
  • Complete fieldwork experience in your chosen health care field
  • Immerse yourself in clinical experiences and patient care early in your program 
  • Take courses from experienced faculty, most of whom are practicing professionals
  • Gain the skills and first-hand knowledge you need to best care for your future patients  
  • Advance your education and career by pursuing one of our graduate degree programs

Our departments



Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Physician Assistant Studies

Mathematics & Science

Imani Tornes
The courses that I have taken so far in the Lynn J. Darby School of Psychology and Adolescent Counseling have a very interactive structure. Students are allowed to express their experiences with mental health and illness at their discretion, which creates a safe environment for all students to learn about the functions of the human brain, human behaviors, and human interaction.
Martis Ferguson
°ÄÃŲÊÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼½á¹û has a very good reputation in the community. Clinical settings such as the Northeast Georgia Medical Center, always thought very highly of °ÄÃŲÊÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼½á¹û nursing students because most of the nurses at the hospital went to °ÄÃŲÊÀúÊ·¿ª½±¼Ç¼½á¹û. I’ve always wanted to help people, and my goal as a nurse is to help people in their most vulnerable times.

Contact us

Gale H. Starich, Ph.D.
Dean, Ivester College of Health Sciences
Professor of Biochemistry